The ALMANAC project in EETimes
Rick Merrit, Silicon Valley Bureau Chief at the EE times, who gave a key note speech at ALMANAC’S recent M2M workshop in Copenhagen, has just published a story on Turin’s smart city project.
Successful M2M workshop in Copenhagen
On 30th September 2015, ALMANAC conducted a full-day workshop on novel M2M technologies and their applications in cooperation with TDC Denmark and Telecom Italia. The workshop focused on business opportunities from the new access networks for Internet of Things objects in the context of Smart Cities and it was a great success. You can download the presentations here
Paper presented at the FiCloud conference
The federated Smart City Platform developed within the context of ALMANAC was presented by Dario Bonino from ISMB.
Hello – my name is Smarty and I am a smart bin
Demonstrations of the latest waste and water management solutions were shown at the IoT Week 2015. Watch the video where the smart bin Smarty introduces waste management with ALMANAC.
ALMANAC knowledge used in the deployment of capillary networks in Italy
The capillary network technologies developed and tried in ALMANAC are being engineered and pre-deployed in four Italian cities during the next two years.
What digital services would make your city smart?
Residents from the housing initiative, SHARING, in Turin participated in a workshop on smart city applications for citizens.
Collaboration with SmartBin for real-life data
ALMANAC and the software company SmartBin have entered into a partnership giving ALMANAC access to real-life sensor data on fill levels from waste containers.
News from ALMANAC

Read about our demo activities, collaboration with SmartBin and IERC in our May newsletter. Find the newsletter in the download section or via this link.

ALMANAC presented at Water Ideas 2014

Partners Telecom Italia  presented ALMANAC at the Water Ideas Conference on 22-24 October 2014 in Bologna. The conference was a good opportunity for ICT companies and utilities to meet and start collaborating. 

User perspectives on waste and water

How are waste and water handled in the City of Turin today? What are the key challenges and how do you envision the future? Knowledge of existing city structures, services and challenges is crucial when developing sustainable Smart City solutions. Drawing on both existing knowledge from other projects and new insights, partners have gained a strong sense of the Turin context and challenges when it comes to handling waste and water.

Collaborating with state of the art

ALMANAC has met with the SmartSantander project to share knowledge and look for possible areas of collaboration. The first result is a live traffic data connection between the first ALMANAC prototype and the Santander Platform. 

The ALMANAC project is co-funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 609081, objective ICT-2013.1.4 'A reliable, smart and secure Internet of Things for Smart Cities'. Duration: 1st September 2013 to 31st August 2016.

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