Workshop on novel M2M technologies and their applications
ALMANAC organised a full day workshop in cooperation with TDC Denmark and Telecom Italia:

M2M Network Infrastructures for Massively Distributed Smart City Applications

The workshop took place on 30th September 2015 in Smart City Copenhagen, Denmark

Smart City perspectives are plentiful
Sustainable urban development is recognised as a key challenge at a global level. The ‘Smart Cities’ model provides opportunities and challenges for cooperation on issues related to areas of energy, water, health, transport, environment, information and communication technologies.
When billions of devices will be deployed in the Smart City, data must be gathered and managed in an efficient way. Only a standard communication platform can enable the “many billions” of smart objects in a future smart city scenario. M2M (Machine to Machine) communication will be a core technology for the proper functioning of future smart cities.

About the Workshop
This workshop will focus on how the telecommunication industry can embrace the opportunities from M2M networks, matching the growing needs for smart city solutions in terms of connectivity and platforms for cost effective development of applications.
It will also focus on how the telecom operators can optimise their network solutions for massive smart city application deployment and how third party application developers can utilise the network platforms and tools to efficiently and cost-effectively develop valued-added smart city applications. The journey will take you from the discussion of core technologies and network solutions to business development issues, ending up with views from the users: The cities – what are the real needs?

Images courtesy of Copenhagen Municipality

Do you want to know more about the workshop or get in contact with one of the speakers? Please use the Contact button above and send us a message. You can find more information about the event at the bottom of this page after the programme.

Final Workshop Programme

08:30 Welcome and Coffee
08:50Introductions to the Workshop  
Introduction to TDC A/S Christian Kloch
Technology Manager, TDC
Introduction to the ALMANAC Smart City ProjectJesper Thestrup
09:15Key Note SpeakersCHAIR: Jesper Thestrup, In-JeT ApS
Societal Challenges: A Systemic View on Sustainable Smart Cities - The European Union’s response to the climate, environmental, energy and mobility challengesBirgit de Boissezon
Head of Unit, European Commission, DG Research & Innovation
Networking Smart Cities: A Guide to the New Digital Urban Warfare - Contenders for a low cost, wide area network for the Internet of ThingsRick Merritt
Silicon Valley Bureau Chief, EETimes
10:45 Coffee Break
11:00Session 1: Technology Components for IoT networks CHAIR: Alexandre Alapetite, The Alexandra Institute
Standards enabling the IoT service layer - ETSI and oneM2M standards for the IoT services layerEnrico Scarrone,
Vice Chair SC oneM2M, ETSI
ALMANAC Capillary Network Gateway TechnologiesRoberto Gavazzi
Program Manager, Telecom Italia
Federated and Scalable Data Management in the ALMANAC CloudsPeter Rosengren
CEO, CNet Svenska AB
reTHINK: A new Communication Infrastructure Supporting Smart CitiesJoachim Schonowski
Senior Project Manager, T-Labs, Deutsche Telecom AG
13:15Session 2: Network Topologies and Management Plane Requirements for Smart City InfrastructuresCHAIR: Roberto Gavazzi, Telecom Italia
The network behind the Internet-of-Things Lars Dittmann
Professor PhD, Technical University of Denmark
Mobile access architecture at TDC A/SChristian Kloch
Technology Manager, TDC
M2M spectrum opportunities in the 700 MHz range - The ITU World Radio Conference 2015 sets the stageSteffen Ring
CEO, Ring Advocacy
14:15Session 3: Business Aspects of Smart City InfrastructuresCHAIR: Peter Rosengren, CNet Svenska AB
Business opportunities in Network TechnologiesNils-Henrik Faber
Engagement Manager, Ericsson
Building Digital Societies at Vodafone Adam Armer
Business Development & Innovation Manager, Vodafone M2M Group
From the Modern City to the Smarter City - from Optimization to Innovation and Transformation of Service DeliveryPeter Lange
Executive IT Architect, IBM
15:15Coffee Break and Networking
16:00Session 4: Massively Deployed Smart City Applications – Views from UsersCHAIR: Jesper Thestrup, In-JeT ApS
Building the World's First Open Programmable CityPaul Wilson
Managing Director, Bristol Is Open
How smart is it actually to live in a Smart City? – Insightful Perspectives on Data PrivacyMia Nyegaard
Member of Copenhagen Municipal Council
17:00 Summary remarks and discussion

Other resources::

The ALMANAC project is co-funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 609081, objective ICT-2013.1.4 'A reliable, smart and secure Internet of Things for Smart Cities'. Duration: 1st September 2013 to 31st August 2016.

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