Deployment of the waste management application in Turin
Turin has nine underground waste containers, called underground ecological islands (UEIs) which are placed in areas of the city where door-to-door collection is not possible. The containers have a large storage capacity and serve several households in the area.

Even though the UEIs have proven a better alternative to street bins, offering a better recycling rate, they cannot match the door-to door collection system which has a high quality of waste = good recycling rate. This is due to different factors: There is not a strong sense of ownership or knowledge of recycling as in the case of the door-to-door system where the bin is matched to the household and recycling is rewarded. Additionally, collection of waste is not always efficient due to variations in usage and litter scattered around the islands.

To control the amount of unsorted waste and create a sense of ownership, an electronic locking system has been installed for unsorted waste, matching the individual users of the UEIs with their waste and preventing un-authorised access.

To know the fill level of the containers, the UEIs are also equipped with sensors which send data to the waste management company AMIAT who can use the information to optimise the collection procedures and analyse the quality of waste.

The deployment will run for 6 months and based on the obtained results, the city will evaluate the possibility of extending the service to the remaining seven UEIs in the city.

Watch a video about the deployment in Turin:

The ALMANAC project is co-funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 609081, objective ICT-2013.1.4 'A reliable, smart and secure Internet of Things for Smart Cities'. Duration: 1st September 2013 to 31st August 2016.

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