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Towards a Federation of Smart City Services

The emergence of the Internet of Things has accelerated
the development of smart cities. Currently, an increasing
number of smart city applications comprising various scenarios
and use cases is being deployed and tested. However, to realize
a smart city, it is necessary to have converging solutions as
opposed to niche, detached solutions. Smart city platforms
need to take into account existing services and infrastructures.
Furthermore, in the context of a smart city it is important
to account for various kinds of stakeholders with a variety
of requirements with regard to data ownership, legal and
organizational frameworks as well as commercial interests.
We present the ALMANAC Smart City Platform as a solution
which handles the described heterogeneity. Firstly, the platform
allows the development of smart city applications by creating
interoperability among devices and services. Secondly, the
platform is deployed in a de-centralized, federated way that
allows to map the organizational requirements to the deployed
city systems. We introduce the concept of federation for smart
cities and describe its implementation in the ALMANAC
Platform through a case study which simulates a scenario
in the waste management domain. This scenario models realworld
requirements of a waste management company and the
municipality of Turin.

August 30 2016 14:00:55
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The ALMANAC project is co-funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 609081, objective ICT-2013.1.4 'A reliable, smart and secure Internet of Things for Smart Cities'. Duration: 1st September 2013 to 31st August 2016.

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