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WasteApp: Smarter Waste Recycling for Smart Citizens

Waste recycling and disposal is an increasingly pressing issue for the preservation of the Earth natural environment. A considerable amount of research has been carried on factors influencing household waste recycling behaviors and a plethora of supporting tools have been investigated in the last few years. Despite this, recycling waste is still perceived as a cumbersome task, and people around the world are often struggling to find efficient ways to recycle their waste. We argue that, among many factors, a lack of user centered design in waste recycling support tools can be one of the causes. For such reason, we approach the design of a new waste recycling support application, the “WasteApp”, by merging behavioral studies and common features of existing mobile apps with a co-design methodology. We present the outcomes of several co-design sessions aimed at gathering real user needs for waste recycling, an initial design of the “WasteApp” and we discuss the results of a preliminary small-scale user study on the application usability.

August 30 2016 13:48:07
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The ALMANAC project is co-funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 609081, objective ICT-2013.1.4 'A reliable, smart and secure Internet of Things for Smart Cities'. Duration: 1st September 2013 to 31st August 2016.

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